My Boys
(this is how they constantly look-Cooper talking and Owen well whatever you call it this is his look)
(this is how they constantly look-Cooper talking and Owen well whatever you call it this is his look)

- knows all his letters and there sounds
- can spell his name
- finally doesn't cry when he goes to nursery
- loves to play with owen and constantly asks for Owen to chase him around the house
- likes to play golf in the back yard
- loves trains
- climbs in the car and his car seat all by himself(won't let us help him)
- LOVES and I mean L-O-V-E-S Papa(my dad)
- when we ask him to do something he says" i can't I am busy right now"
- we were at the post office the other day and he was running all over and I told him to come over by me and focus on staying there and he replies" focus, focus. speed. I. am. speed faster than fast quicker than quick, I am Lightning" (it's the opening line from "Cars")the lady behind us looks at him and then at me and laughs.
- the other day I was trying to get ready to go somewhere so I laid Owen on the couch and Cooper ws playing by him and I ran upstairs to get something and I heard Owen start fussing but then he stopped so when I came down stairs I looked and Cooper was kneeling next to the couch and was quietly singing "I am A Child of God" and Owen had his hand on Cooper's shoulder. when Cooper was done with the song he looked at me and said "Owen was crying then I singed him I am a Child of God and he stoppeded crying. (and with a matter of fact look) I am a good big brother"
- 5 months old weighs about 18 lbs
- likes to eat ,we have started giving him food and we can't sit at the table without giving hi food also
- likes to be outside
- watches cooper like a hawk
- slobbers like a waterfall
- has already had to have 2 haircuts(Cooper got his 1st at 14 months)
- doesn't sleep longer than 3 hrs at night
- talks up a storm
- likes to lay and watch whatever is going on
- WE love him dearly and I can't believe he is already 5 months