Friday, May 8, 2009

More of Cooper

His new Skill. Cooper is getting really good at standing up while holding on to things. here is is in his crib. its the perfect height.

I wouldn't want to cross this kid :)
previous to this he was pulling on the giraffe's legs. apparently he just needed to take it down


Blevins family of three said...

I am amazed at how fast this kid learns everything! But at the same time it's not surprising since his dad is a genius....okay you are smart too andrea!

Groovy Gardners said...

Cooper is such a little cutie patutie!!! He is getting so big!

Amy said...

This is boy is soo cute!!!

Brittany Schmidt said...

I can't believe how fast they grow. That is crazy that he is already standing up. Is he crawling yet? Can't wait to get a good pic of the kids all together~